Wayang Kulit is a unique form of theatre employing light and shadow. When held up behind a piece of white cloth (screen), with an electric bulb or an oil lamp as the light source, shadows are cast on the screen.
Wayang Kulit plays are invariably based on romantic or heroic tales, especially adaptations of the classic Indian epics, "The Mahabarata" and "The Ramayana". The story will be related to the local happenings (current issues) or other local secular stories, with some critics for the government or else.
The big different between Java's wayang kulit and Bali's Wayang Kulit are, the side of the audience. Java's wayang kulit, the audience will be behind the dalang or the screen, so its definitely a puppet theater. Bali's wayang kulit, the audience will be in front of the screen, so the audience can not see the dalang, all we can see is the shadow on the screen, that is why wayang kulit in Bali translated to the shadow dance or theater.
The Dalang is the genius, a man with multi talents. He must have a repertoire of hundred stories, play the gambelan, have a flair for showmanship, perform some necessary sacred rituals before the show begin, have to be able to mange a different color of voices to each character, has a great sense of humor, and also know how to make the intricate, flat leather puppet and create a new character of puppet to support the story.
In function, wayang kulit in Bali is to educate along with amusement. Lot of philosophy for living with portraying the good and the evil with the good always triumphing although the evil can not be destroyed to keep the balance. In Hindu this two side need to be exist in equilibrium. Lots of fresh joke will be thrown to the audience to kill the their boring with the classic epic.
Wayang Kulit usually performed in the sacred religious ceremonies (Temple festivals), private family ceremonies and in the villages just to amusing the people. The show usually last at least 6 hours, mostly done by the midnight or after. Although involving much horseplay and slapstick comedy in the lighthearted Balinese fashion, every aspect of the wayang kulit has mystical overtone, symbolism, and esoteric meaning.
Now in some art market in Bali, selling the replica of wayang kulit's character as a souvenir. This will be a great decoration in your wall house, office or glasses cabinets as a collection.
Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org
Artikel-artikel Bli ne becik pisan niki,..Indik Wayang, ring Bali minab tiyang wenten kekalih nike, Wayang Kulit Petengne (Hiburan) lan Wayang Lemah (Sakral).
lianan ring punika, Wayang Kulit Hiburan taler kepah malih, wenten wayang Parwa (Mahabaratha), wayang Ramayana, wayang Tantri, Wayang Babad, Wayang Gambuh (Cupak-Grantang), Wayang Calonarang, makueh malih minabin tiyang.
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