Learning for our future
If we are to believe just a small proportion of the statistics we are hearing and seeing about the destruction of our planet, individuals need to take a more responsible approach – and education is the key starting point. Our aim is to develop responsible and green habits in these young people which will be with them for life.
Given the economic mess that our world has created in recent times, an education system which produces more of the same is not going to work. Something has to change, and Green School is at the cutting edge therefore of being able to do things differently.
An education at Green School is preparation for Green Leadership of tomorrow. Our students will be the confident generation that wants to, and can, make a difference.
Green School aims to be the #1 model of sustainability in education in the world. We aim to set the bar so high for others to aspire to. After only two years of operation, Green School is already shaking up the thinking of more conventional organisations and institutions around the world. Its teachers, students and their parents are proud to be part of this pioneering ‘work in progress’.
For further reading on this topic, please click here
What next
This is Green School number one. We built it as a seed, a model, for Bali, and the world. We encourage you to copy it, to reinvent it, and to reproduce it. Just make sure you keep these simple rules in mind: be local, let your environment inform your decisions, and think about how your grandchildren might be influenced by your decisions. If you are interested in starting green school number two, we would love to hear from you.
Please explore the rest of the site to find out more about us and how you can contribute
Source: http://www.greenschool.org/why/
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