Okokan is one of unique entertainment from Tabanan Regency in Bali. In a journey of time now okokan is become one of the Traditional entertainment that mostly performed to attract the tourist besides Kecak Dance in Tabanan.
The unique of this entertaintment is from the music instrument. The instrument are not generally used by other Balinese dance performance, or ceremonies. The music instrument is a giant wooden cow bell so called okokan.
As known as a agrarian regency, Tabanan people mostly work on the rice farm for their life. Tabanan is the most fertile area in Bali and become a Bali's rice sources. In arranging the land, the farmers using cow or water buffaloes to help, almost all of the farmers family in Tabanan has their own cows or water Buffalo. To keep tracking their cow the farmers made a wooden bell to hang up at their cow's neck and it will be sound whenever the cows are moved or just to dissipating the flies or mosquitoes on their body.
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A wooden cow bell |
When the cows are moving in a group, the wooden bells are sound like a music played. This inspire the people of Tabanan to make a giant wooden cow bell and play them as an entertainment for the villagers, then regularly played after the harvest season. As the function to scared the flies on the cow's body, the people also believes this performance can dissipating the evil spirits from their villages and farm.
The okokan played in a group of at least 6, the hits will be different from each player and combine to other hits to makes a beautiful music. The sounds is so loud but tidy and nice to hear.
The player hanging the okokan on their neck. They usually combine with dance to play this music instrument,they move and generating sound. Which demand of entertainment that more innovative, so this music instrument can be used as an entertainment as Balaganjur music. The loud sound and reverberating which released from this music instrument, is accompanied to uniform a motion of its player become separate fascination. You can find this performance almost daily in Puri Kerambitan (Kerambitan Castle), Tabanan regency.
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