Rindik (Bali's Bamboo Instrument)

Bali has plenty kind of music intruments that played by group either solo. Rindik is one of a traditional Balinese music instrument. Its made by bamboo, cosnsisting tubes in different sizes and length. Rindik can be played solo, pairs, or in a group. The musicians strike the bamboo tubes with mallets in both hands. Rindik uses the traditional pentatonic scale called Salendro.

If its played in group, its must be accompany an entertainment dance called Joged Bumbung, a social life dance to amuse the villagers and now its become a popular entertainment in many hotels in Bali. When its played solo or a pairs, it will sounds very soft and beautiful. Its usually played in a wedding ceremony.  When you landed at the first time at Bali's International Airport, you will hear this beautiful sounds welcoming the visitors and to colling down your tiring trips. In many hotels and restaurant that offer a truly Balinese atmosphere also often to play this musical, either its performed live or played in a CD player. It is not too hard to get a original copy of this musical in Bali even online.

Rindik is very good to melt down your stressful day after fight with the daily routine at work. Good for Yoga accompanist, or for lullaby. Sounds of nature is very obvious because its made from nature, soft and light away form the crowd. 

In the regency of Karangasem Rindik also called Grantang. Its look very simple but to make a good sounds, making Rindik is not that easy as its look. Start from choosing the good quality of Bamboo; sizes, ages, and thickness will be very important.

The most popular Rindik group right now is from Sanur and Pedungan. Plenty of copies has been recorded and launch form this two villages.


adhiayu said...

Saya dulu pernah belajar Rindik, susah juga karena harus memisahkan pikiran ke tangan kanan dan kiri..tapi ga lulus lulus juga belajar rindiknya..hehe padahal pengen belajar Gender Wayang juga...(belajar yang lain ja belum) hihihihi....

Van Rangga said...

Kalau Saya cuma bisa Gong Kebyar,.he he he. Rindik memang susah apalagi kalau tidak bisa bagi konsentrasi :-)

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