This tradition is meant as the Mengwi Bali royal kingdom celebration of the victory of Blambangan Banyumas royal kingdom. This term of Makotek comes from the equipment in this tradition with wooden sticks collide together when joining form mountains that form an angle (mountain of wooden stick). That arises when the combined sound wood is something like this “tek..tek..tek..”. Makotek also has another name, that is Ngerebek which means the ceremony finishing, by walk surrounding the temple 3 times.
Before the tradition start, the priest of the village will sprinkle the Holy water(Tirta) to every participant. Hundreds of men in betweebn 13 to 60 years old from 12 community (Banjar) in Munggu village wil performed this tradition.Anyhow these attractions have prohibition, participant’s family should not grieve and his wife was giving birth.
Before the tradition start, the priest of the village will sprinkle the Holy water(Tirta) to every participant. Hundreds of men in betweebn 13 to 60 years old from 12 community (Banjar) in Munggu village wil performed this tradition.Anyhow these attractions have prohibition, participant’s family should not grieve and his wife was giving birth.
Each person will bring a 3,5 meters wooden stick made from "Pulet trees". Each group will make a cone by combining their wooden stick and one man will climb to the top and stand (ride) on it. The other group will make the same as opponent and at the peak of the event both parties meet to fight as a warlord.
Quite often unique events occurred while the war lasted timber. Starting from the participant felt into the ditch or the "rider" stuck in the woods. This has become their own entertainment. Thousands of the residence and the people came from outside the village, even the tourists are very enthusiast to see this tradition.
Although the tradition is quite dangerous and could cause an injury, but still held. The villages elders and leaders believe that Makotek can be prevent all kind of disasters or mysterious epidemic that will cause death or the citizen.
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